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CD Project-

Due Date Changed to

February  26th

Titanic Project

Student As Teacher Project

The students are continuing to work on their poetry project. We are working on poetry in the class, and of course, I encourage all students to work on project from home. The deadline for this project is Feb. 24th.  Students will be given three grades on the project - a grade for Content, Appearance (how the project looks determines the effort level), Presentation (students will be given the opportunity to stand before the class by themselves, or with their partner to share portioins of their work. It should be a fun event. Stay tuned for photos of the presentations and completed projects. 

In an effort to make student learning interactive, we will learn about what happened to the RMS Titanic many years ago. “A century has sailed by since the luxury steamship RMS Titanic met its catastrophic end in the North Atlantic, plunging two miles to the ocean floor after sideswiping an iceberg during its maiden voyage. Rather than the intended Port of New York, a deep-sea grave became the pride of the White Star Line’s final destination in the early hours of April 15, 1912. More than 1,500 people lost their lives in the disaster. In the decades since her demise, Titanic has inspired countless books and several notable films while continuing to make headlines, particularly since the 1985 discovery of her resting place off the coast of Newfoundland. Meanwhile, her story has entered the public consciousness as a powerful cautionary tale about the perils of human hubris,”

The “Student as Teacher,” project allows the students to teach the class for 12 – 15 minutes beginning the first week after FSA testing. This is a wonderful opportunity for the student to use reading strategies and apply it to an activity or lesson that they (the student) finds interesting.

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